Health Services
Welcome to Health Services
The purpose of this section of the handbook is to inform parents about the services provided by the Department of Nursing and to inform parents/guardians of the Massachusetts regulations that affect school attendance. The health concerns of today’s school-age children involve a broad range of physical, social, emotional, and behavioral issues, which impact the students’ educational process. It is the goal of health care professionals to identify these issues and to provide comprehensive health services to the student population. We strongly believe that in doing so, we are promoting better school participation, improved learning, and higher educational achievement for all students.
MA General Law, Chapter 71, section 57 requires physical exams and immunizations for all students upon entry into school and at certain intervals thereafter. Transfer students must present a current physical exam with up to date immunizations at the time of registration.
It is extremely important that we have accurate and up to date information on your child’s Annual Health Update card. These cards are given to your child on the first day of each school year, or to a parent of a student who registers after the school year begins. To protect the safety of your child, it is imperative that we are able to contact you or another adult that you authorize, in the event of an illness or injury. Please choose an alternate contact person who is the most likely individual to be available during school hours. If a student is hospitalized or is going to be out of school for an extended period of time, please contact the school nurse as well as the teacher and Call Back System.
If a student becomes ill during the school day the following procedure will be in effect:
There are times when it is in the best interest of all concerned that students not be sent to school. We request that students do not come to school with severe colds, vomiting, diarrhea, fever and any illness that might be contagious.
To minimize the risk of choking do not send students in grades Pre K – 2 with cough drops, hard candy or lozenges. Students in grades 3 and 4 must have parental permission.
Please contact the school nurse if your child develops a medical problem or an existing medical problem changes.
Periodically the school has outbreaks of contagious diseases that if contracted by a pregnant woman could cause harm to the fetus. If you are pregnant or considering becoming pregnant, please consult your physician before volunteering or participating in school activities.
The following is an overview of the medication policies that are in place to ensure the health and safety of students that may need to take medications in school. These forms must be on file in the nurse’s office before medication can be administered in school:
General Information
- All medication forms are available from the student’s school nurse.
- Medication is to be delivered to school by a parent or a responsible adult.
- Medication must be in a pharmacy or manufacturer’s labeled container.
- No more than a 30 day school day supply of medicine should be delivered to the school.
- Upon parent/guardian request a student in Grade 5-12 can be evaluated for self-administration of certain medications.
- Upon parent/guardian request information regarding emergency medication during bus transport will be provided.
- As there are no nurses present before or after school hours, students do not have access to their medications during those hours.
The Milford School Committee is committed to the development of practices that will help to create an environment as safe as reasonably possible for all individuals in the school community.
The Milford School Committee will follow, to the extent, such is deemed appropriate to the Milford School System, the Massachusetts Department of Education guidelines, Managing Life-Threatening Allergies in Schools published in 2002.
A complete copy of this policy (File: JLCE-1) is contained in the Milford Public Schools Policy Manual and can be accessed in any school office throughout the district or at the Milford Public Schools’ website
State Mandated Screenings
Vision Screening Grades K-5, 8, 10
Hearing Screenings Grades K-3, 8, 10
Height and Weight Grades 1, 4, 7, 10
Postural Screening Grades 5-9
SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment)
1. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health requires that schools conduct screenings for hearing, vision, height, and weight and postural (scoliosis) screening in the grades listed above. Parents will be notified of any abnormal findings with a recommendation for follow up care with an appropriate health care provider.
If you choose not to have your child screened, you may do so by stating your preference in writing to your school nurse.
2. Oral Health
Oral screenings are recommended for students in grade 3.
Fluoride Rinse Program is offered to all students in grades 1 through 3. It is optional and funded through the Milford Board of Health.
3. School Physician
The Milford Public Schools employs a school physician for medical consultation and required physical exams as needed.
Physical exams are required upon enrollment, PreK and Kindergarten entry, and grades 4, 7, and 10. For new students entering the Milford Public Schools, physical exams must occur within twelve months of enrollment into these grades.
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health informs communities of the Commonwealth of the immunization requirements for entry into school each year.
A doctor’s note is required when your child is unable to participate in physical education classes. The note will be dated, explain the nature of the illness, and designate the length of absence from the classes.
A doctor’s note is also required for admittance to school following an absence of 5 or more consecutive school days due to illness, surgery, hospitalization or following any absence related to a communicable disease. **Please refer to Attendance Policy regarding required documentation for excused absences.
At the end of each school year, the student health record is reviewed. Any misleading, outdated, or irrelevant information contained in the temporary record may be destroyed. Such information may include, but is not limited to, notes regarding absences, return to school, physical education restrictions, and mandated school screenings. If you would like to receive this information, please respond in writing to your school nurse before the end of the school year.
- The school nurse will contact the family;
- If a family member is not available, the first person on the Health Update Card will be contacted. We will contact all names on the Health Update Card until someone is reached;
- Any student who has a temperature of 100 degrees or greater should not be sent to school. The student must be fever free (less than 100 degrees) for a period of 24 hours before returning to school. If the student is sent home by the nurse due to fever, the student will not be permitted to return to school the following day.
- Any student diagnosed with a contagious illness requiring an antibiotic should be on the antibiotic for a period of 24 hours or more before returning to school.
- A student with vomiting or diarrhea should stay at home and return to school only after being symptom- free for at least 24 hours.
- A student diagnosed with conjunctivitis may attend school after 24 hours of treatment.
- Students dismissed due to illness must be signed out in the school’s main office.
- Signed Medication Order – A written order from a licensed provider is required for prescription and over the counter medications
- Special medication situations – For short term medications requiring administration for 10 or fewer school days, the pharmacy labeled container may be used in lieu of a signed medication order. Whenever possible short term antibiotics should be given at home.
- 10. Standing orders – An order for Acetaminophen (Tylenol) by the school physician if consented by parent/guardian.
- Signed Medication Authorization– Authorization must be completed and signed by parent/guardian for all medications.
- Medication Plan – Plan to meet with the school nurse when you drop off medication for the first time to complete paperwork and ask questions.